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An official website of the United States government
Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

Radiogenomics Consortium Collaboration Form

Please provide the following information on the proposed analysis that you wish to perform. The form will be reviewed by the RGC Coordinating Committee which will help to identify overlaps, suggest potential merges etc. The form will be circulated to all RGC members as a means to attract new partners who are interested in a collaborative project sharing their own data and/or samples.

N.B. Consortium members should be encouraged to share and participate, but must also be aware of the potential need for ethics approval with each new proposal.

The purpose of this concept form is to facilitate collaboration between RGC members. The questions below are designed to clarify your proposal for both the RGC Coordinating Committee and potential collaborators. Please confirm you are seeking collaborators by checking the box below.

If known, outline the study/studies to be included (add more lines as necessary):

Endpoint(s) to be Investigated:

Tumour Type: (required)
Data Required: (required)
Please specify biospecimen, clinical, and genotype data required for the proposal (select all that apply):